Narzędzia i akcesoria remontowo-budowlane

The year 2021 is the 30th anniversary of KAEM

Over the years, KAEM has become a market leader in painting tools and supplies for the renovation and construction industry. Products labeled with the HARDY, SCLEY, KÜSSNER and GRÖNE brands can be found in most points offering construction materials in Poland and abroad. For 30 years, the company has been constantly developing its potential by expanding its range, gaining new markets and consistently adapting the organization to market challenges.

The KAEM portfolio includes products whose hallmarks are: quality, durability and versatility of applications, thanks to which they are popular both among DIY enthusiasts and professional contractors.

Our own production and modern logistics center allow us to prepare any configuration of products for shipment and guarantee fast and timely delivery. KAEM is an exporter to 23 countries throughout Europe. Development on key foreign markets is ensured by 8 dynamically operating representative offices.

 30 years of experience, passion in operation and development of the company is a great time, but also a period full of challenges!

The success, which is undoubtedly the 30th anniversary of the company, is mainly due to the team that every day cares about the satisfaction and meeting the requirements of our customers.

We thank our business partners for their trust and we hope that the coming years will bring us many more opportunities to celebrate together!


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KAEM Spółka z ograniczoną

ul. Rzemieślnicza 14,
62-081 Baranowo

Obsługa Klienta
tel.: +48 61 816 30 00,
fax.: +48 61 816 30 50

Dział Exportu
tel.: +48 (61) 816 30 59
fax: +48 (61) 816 30 50